
We can win if we have at least a million people helping by Nov 8. This is the special sauce—friends getting friends to volunteer (not just vote).

  1. Invite everyone you know who doesn’t want fascism to follow the steps on this page. Yes, everyone—the activists, the can’t-be-bothered, the teenagers, the parents, the idle, the busy. This is by leaps and bounds the fastest, most efficient and highest impact thing each of us can do to change the outcome of this election. Reach out via email, sms, and/or DM. See sample messages below.

  2. Share election memes on social every day through November 8, with a link to the “find your infrequent voter friends” tool.

Vote and help others vote.

  1. Vote yourself as soon as you’re able! Everything you need to know about where, when, how and for whom can be found on this page. Don’t know whom to vote for? Check out your progressive voting guide for recommendations.

  2. Use an app called Reach to find which friends only sometimes vote (and which ones are registered Republicans). Use the website (or install the ios/android app) to match your contacts with the public voter file (campaign key, if asked: H5HGCT) and it will show your infrequent-voter friends. Friend to friend outreach is at least 5x more effective than other get out the vote tactics, and knowing whom to target vastly simplifies your effort.

    Then what? 

    Simply text these friends who only sometimes vote & remind them to vote on or before Nov 8th. It’s that easy! (There's a sample message on the app/site.) Personalize each text, even if it’s just a line at the beginning. Tip: Include a link to a local progressive voting guide. Lots of people don’t vote because they aren’t sure who to vote for. Most of your friends will be grateful! 

  3. Canvass (tied for second as the most efficient vote booster) or phone bank. Here's a list of key elections and volunteer ops. (Look up your district here. ) If you live within one, volunteer there. If not, pick one to support.

  4. Volunteer to monitor or work at the polls.

Sample short message 1

Hey, I'm using this cool tool that shows me who all my reliable and infrequent voter friends are. I just spent an hour and found 238 friends who voted in both 2018 and 2020. You're one, and I'm asking if you'll do the same? Because....I also found 40 friends who did NOT vote one of those years and I'm going to ask each of them to do it this year and help them if they need it. Check it out

Sample short message 2

I just joined Landslide—a way to get friends to get their friends to vote and I’m trying to get you! Check it out:

Sample short message 3

I just joined Landslide to stop the fascists—it’s a way to get friends to get their friends to vote and I’m trying to get you! Check it out:

Sample short message 4

I just joined Landslide to stop the fascists. Would you join me and spend at least an hour before the November 8 election to make sure they don’t win?? Check it out:

Sample email

Subject: not hiding under the covers

Hey friends,

I don’t usually send group emails but today is different. As you probably know, these Nov 8 midterms are unusually critical: they will determine whether the Trump MAGAs control the election levers in 2024. That would probably be curtains for U.S. democracy (and Earth's climate). 

But there are a couple of really effective things we can do.

How much time will it take? Minimum 30 mins. I’m dedicating all my time leading into Nov 8th.

Great. What do you want me to do? 

Use an app called Reach to find which friends only sometimes vote (and which ones are registered Republicans). Use the website (or install the ios/android app) to match your contacts with the public voter file (campaign key if asked: H5HGCT) and it will show your infrequent-voter friends. Friend to friend outreach is at least 5x more effective than other get out the vote tactics, and knowing whom to target vastly simplifies your effort.

Then what? 

Simply text these friends who only sometimes vote & remind them to vote on or before Nov 8th. It’s that easy! (There's a sample message on the app/site.) Personalize each text, even if it’s just a line at the beginning. Tip: Include a link to a local progressive voting guide. Lots of people don’t vote because they aren’t sure who to vote for. Most of your friends will be grateful! 

Viralize it.

Forward this message to everyone you know who cares about the future. Don’t worry, you aren’t spamming your friends, you're trying to save what's precious to all of us: the planet, human rights…


…to phone bank or canvass with the time you can. Here's a list of key elections and volunteer ops. If you live within one, volunteer there. If not, pick one to support.

Why this can work

A red wave this year would likely equate to about 5-6 million extra votes on the GOP side. With 1-2 million extra volunteers working for just a few hours each, we can help get 6-8 million "extra" Democrat votes. Relational organizing works. We have to mobilize our friends to volunteer to get their friends out to vote and help campaigns. If half the people who read this forward it to the friends they are comfortable reaching out to, that can easily happen.